Empowering Athletes to Achieve Peak Performance

Bonjour, my name is Pierre. I support runners & triathletes reaching their endurance goals. I’m based in San Luis Obispo, CA. I provide training plans and 1-on-1 coaching to athletes of all levels.

About Me | Coaching Services | Athlete Testimonials | FAQ | Contact

About Me

As an athlete, my journey in endurance sports began growing up in France. This is where I dabbled in various sports such as soccer, rugby, cross-country, and track and field. I also trained at the local Firestation and served as a volunteer firefighter and paramedic while in High School. After moving to the UK for my Master’s degree in Computer Science, I took a break from sports. However, I rediscovered my passion for running when I signed up for corporate running races while working in London. It was there that I was introduced to triathlons by coworkers who were fans of the Browlee brothers. Over the years, I progressed from racing sprint triathlons and 5ks to participating in Ironman races and marathons after moving to the US in 2012. I've been fortunate to qualify for the Boston Marathon and the Ironman World Championships in the M30-34 age group after living through my best multi-year training ever where I embraced the lifestyle of living like a pro athlete (read: recovering like a champ) in terms of life priorities and racing as an amateur / age grouper.

Since Q4 2022, I've taken a break from racing to focus on raising my toddler and working as an Engineering Manager at a crypto startup. However, I have set my sights on qualifying for the Ironman World Championships in Kona again by 2026 in the M35-39 age group.

In terms of coaching, my approach is heavily influenced by the teachings of Scientific Training for Endurance Athletes, The Running Formula, and HIIT Science. I believe that consistency & volume are the cornerstone of performance, coupled with a low stress life outside of training. I recommend training intensities to be driven by power curve modelling.

I was an assistant coach at Bishop-Racing from 2019 to 2020, where I had the opportunity to study the training philosophies of a successful training squad, which included everyone from first-time athletes to age group world champions.

I am well versed in using coaching software like TrainingPeaks, TriDot, Athletica.ai, WKO+, TrainerRoad and Golden Cheetah. My coaching methods are iterative, similar to building software, incorporating feedback loops and offering candid feedback. I value open and transparent communication with my athletes and have made my Calendly open for booking to facilitate discussions about training and address any questions they may have.

Coaching Services

Athlete Testimonials

I reached out to Pierre for help preparing for my first marathon after getting injured and doing a half marathon on my own. Pierre created a multi-sport program including bike and run that fit around my existing strength workouts and even my honeymoon. As a result, my body fully healed, my training volume increased healthily, and I now feel fitter than ever and excited to race my first marathon in 16 weeks!

June 2024 - From Max in Denver, CO


1. What coaching services do you offer?

I offer personalized training plans and one-on-one coaching for running and triathlon athletes of all levels.

2. What is your coaching philosophy?

My coaching is based on the principles of consistency, volume, and low-stress living, influenced by Dr. Philip Skiba and Jack Daniels.

3. How can I get started with your coaching?

Contact me via the form on the website or book a discussion through my Calendly link.

4. What qualifications do you have?

I have extensive experience in endurance sports, including qualifying for the Boston Marathon and Ironman World Championships, and I use various coaching software tools. I hold an MSc in Computer Science.

5. Can I read testimonials from other athletes?

Yes, testimonials from athletes I have coached are available on the pierre.racing website in the Athlete Testimonials section. I can also connect you with past or current athletes.

6. What types of athletes do you coach?

I coach athletes of all levels, from beginners to professionals.

7. How do you customize training plans?

Training plans are tailored based on individual goals, fitness levels, and feedback, incorporating various workouts and recovery strategies.

8. Do you offer mental preparation coaching?

Yes, I offer mental preparation coaching for any endurance sport, whether you are a couch potato or elite athlete.

9. How do you track and monitor progress?

I use Athletica to track progress and adjust plans as needed.

10. What is included in one-on-one coaching?

Full support, including customized training plans, regular check-ins, and personalized feedback.

11. Do you offer remote coaching?

Yes, coaching is available remotely to accommodate athletes from different locations.

12. What should I expect during the initial consultation?

We will discuss your goals, current fitness level, and any specific needs to create a tailored training plan.

13. How do you handle injury prevention and recovery?

Plans include specific exercises and recovery strategies to prevent injuries and promote healing.

14. Can I join your coaching program if I'm preparing for a specific race?

Absolutely, I can create a training plan specifically tailored to your race goals.
